Virtual Hajj on Second Life


Anonymous said…
السلام عليكم
أنا عضو في فريق بناء وإدارة الجزيرة
أحببت أن أقدم شكري لك ولقناة الجزيرة على هذا التقرير الجيّد..

خولة الشيخ
khalaweh said…
You are most welcome
Anonymous said…
hey khaled how are you??
great interview.
i liked how you presented the subject and i agree with you about how you can access different islands and some are bad really bad.
i had this semester to do a presentation in my class about collaboration tools and how are companies are using second life as meeting areas and how they get closer with the employees, i read somewhere i cant remember that one company had a problem with one employee that he didn't keep up with the dress code on the island and they kept kicking him out, and kept creating new user and coming back in.

great interview wi bil tawfik dayman.


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